Personal Wealth Management / Retirement

Your 15-Minute Retirement Plan

4 Ways to Avoid Running Out of Money in Retirement

If you have a $500,000 portfolio, download The 15-Minute Retirement Plan. Even if you have something else in place right now, it never hurts to review your options!

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Your 15-Minute Retirement Plan

Get answers to some of the key questions investors face when planning for a comfortable retirement:

  • How long will your portfolio need to provide for you?
  • How do you establish a primary investment objective?
  • How can cash distributions and inflation impact your retirement savings?
  • What trade-offs might you need to make to meet your goals?

Our goal in sharing these four retirement income strategies is to help answer fundamental questions you may have about achieving a comfortable retirement. It is also an opportunity to showcase how we think about money management. Fisher Investments Canada and its subsidiaries use a proprietary investment approach based on empirical data and careful analysis—even when it seems to go against conventional wisdom. If you like what you’ve read, have questions or simply want to learn more, we invite you to call us at (888) 291-0675. For qualified investors with $500,000 or more in investable assets, we offer complimentary portfolio evaluations. Of course, there is no obligation for these services.

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