Frequently Asked Questions

Fisher Investments Ireland Limited, trading as Fisher Investments Ireland, is a privately held discretionary investment manager, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fisher Asset Management, LLC, trading as Fisher Investments, a large privately held discretionary investment manager. Together, Fisher Investments and its subsidiaries, including Fisher Investments Ireland, manage over €257 billion* in assets.

*As of 01/07/2024

Fisher Investments Ireland offers discretionary investment management services to high net worth individuals in Ireland and in the European Union who have at least € 350,000 in investible assets. Fisher Investments Ireland has no involvement in investment banking activities, thereby alleviating associated conflicts of interest that could otherwise arise. Fisher Investments Ireland  provides a wide range of asset allocation strategies, partnering with our parent company Fisher Investments in the United States for the day-to-day portfolio strategy decision making.

Fisher Investments is continually committed to developing new technologies to understand capital markets and has pioneered numerous financial innovations over the past 20+ years. At the core of Fisher Investments’ principles are fundamental beliefs in capitalism, how free capital markets function, and that capital markets are relatively efficient discounters of all widely known information. To add value through active management, one must identify information not commonly known or interpret widely-known information differently (and correctly) from other market participants.

Fisher Investments Ireland receives a transparent initial funding fee and an ongoing annual management fee based on a percentage of clients' assets under management. Fisher Investments Ireland pays a portion of the ongoing annual management fee to Fisher Investments for sub-management services it provides. The ongoing management fee aligns Fisher Investments Ireland’s interest with its clients’ interests. Unlike some investment firms, Fisher Investments Ireland does not operate on a commission basis. Fisher Investments Ireland aims to ensure that its fee schedule is competitive in relation to other alternatives available to high net worth individuals. Please contact Fisher Investments Ireland and a member of our staff will be happy to address any specific queries you may have regarding the fee structure and can provide you with additional information, on request.

Investing in financial markets involves a risk of loss and there is no guarantee that all or any invested capital will be repaid. Past performance neither guarantees nor reliably indicates future performance. The value of investments and the income from them will fluctuate with world financial markets and international currency exchange rates.