Welcome to
Fisher Investments Australia®

If you're looking for an investment firm to provide disciplined investing strategies, offer straightforward market perspective and help you navigate market volatility, then you have come to the right place.

Let’s talk

Trusted by over 155,000 clients worldwide[i]

Fisher Investments Australia® provides investment management services to wholesale clients[ii] in Australia and outsources portfolio management to our US-based parent company, Fisher Asset Management, LLC, which does business in the United States as Fisher Investments. Since its founding in 1979, Fisher Investments has helped tens of thousands of clients on the path towards their financial goals. Fisher Investments and its subsidiaries manage more than $416 billion for individuals, families and institutions around the world.[iii]


Personalised portfolio management

We tailor your portfolio to your unique financial situation. We take time to understand your individual goals and needs and build a tailored portfolio to help you meet your objectives. And then we regularly check in to make sure your portfolio continues to fit your needs. We do not provide financial planning services.

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Proactive advice that
keeps you informed

As a client, you’ll hear from us regularly, on an ongoing basis—and not because we have a new product to sell. You get proactive service from your own Investment Counsellor, who knows you by name and keeps you up to date on any important changes in your account. Our goal is to help you understand exactly what is going on in your account and why—so you feel comfortable with your portfolio.

Global Opportunities

We seek to maximise opportunity and manage risk by investing globally. Many investors tend to focus solely on the equities of their home country. This ignores the vast majority of available investment opportunities. We believe home-country bias can also lead to a lack of portfolio diversification. We invest globally to take advantage of worldwide opportunities many money managers miss.

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What Services Do We Provide?

Fisher Investments Australia® provides a tailored approach to investment management that puts clients first. This starts with a comprehensive assessment of your personal situation that informs your investment strategy. The result is a highly personalised approach consistent with your goals and needs.

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Unparalleled Client Service

We’ll keep you well informed and help you understand what is going on in your account and why. As a client, you are assigned a dedicated Investment Counsellor who is committed to understanding you on a personal level and ensuring your portfolio strategy continues to fit your needs. You’ll also receive regular market commentary so you stay informed on market developments that matter.

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Fee Structure Aligned With Your Interests

Unlike some investment firms, neither Fisher Investments Australia® nor its affiliates earn trading commissions. Your management fee is competitive, fair and transparent, and helps align Fisher Investments Australia® with your best interests. We also never charge hidden or layered fees.

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The Same Investment
Expertise As Our
Institutional Clients

With roots as an institutional money manager, Fisher Investments and Fisher Investments Australia® provide the same institutional-calibre expertise to individuals. This means you get a disciplined investment strategy along with our unique, high-touch client service.

We would be honoured to learn more about your financial situation and discover if we could be a good fit for you and your investment goals.

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How Does Fisher Investments Australia® Differ From the Competition?

Unlike many money managers that sell standardised portfolios, we tailor portfolios to your individual needs and goals. Fisher Investments Australia® doesn’t sell high-commission investment products and earns no commissions on trades. We charge a simple management fee based on the size of your account—so we do better when you do better. Furthermore, you will have a dedicated Investment Counsellor who calls regularly to keep you informed (not because we have something to sell).

Fisher Investments Australia®:
checkMark  Tailors your portfolio to your goals and needs
checkMark  Assigns you a dedicated Investment Counsellor
checkMark  Communicates with you regularly to help keep you informed
Some Money Managers:
XMark  Provide standardised portfolios
XMark  Won't give you a dedicated Investment Counsellor
XMark  Only call when they have something to sell

What Is Our Investment Approach?

We Tailor a Portfolio For You

We begin by getting a deep understanding of your financial situation, goals and needs. We then determine the appropriate investment mix for you. Our top-down investment process starts by determining how much to invest in equities, fixed interest, cash or other securities in order to maximise the likelihood of reaching your goals. We believe this decision has the biggest impact on your returns over time. Next, Fisher Investments identifies the parts of the market it believes will perform best, such as different countries and sectors. And finally, it selects the individual securities within those areas to construct your portfolio. We believe this active, global approach to portfolio management helps capitalise on investing opportunities around the world.

We Keep You On Track

Importantly, our approach isn’t “set it and forget it.” You’ll hear from us regularly to make sure your portfolio continues to serve your needs. We believe staying on the path to your goals is one of the biggest challenges facing investors today, which is why client service is a top focus. Your dedicated Investment Counsellor will provide you regular, ongoing updates on the market and your portfolio.

More Information About Fisher Investments Australia®

Account Size

If you have $750,000 or more in investable assets, contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve a successful financial future.

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Fisher Investments and its subsidiaries have successfully managed money for clients with many different investment objectives. Because we provide a portfolio tailored to your unique situation and goals, we take a personal, longer-term approach to measuring portfolio performance.

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Ready to Get Started?

If you’d like to see whether Fisher Investments Australia® is a good fit for you, contact us today. Our qualified professionals can provide you with a complimentary portfolio analysis, including a breakdown of the fees you’re currently paying (you may not realise how much you’re actually paying!). If you decide to become a client, Fisher Investments Australia® has a team who will help make the transition as smooth and seamless as possible. You’ll also receive a dedicated Investment Counsellor who will help guide you and provide information and support.

Locations and Contact Information

Level 17, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia

Fisher Investments and its subsidiaries also have representatives in 16 countries globally.

Other Office Locations
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Contact Us by Phone

1800 316 398

[i] As of 01/07/2024. Includes Fisher Investments and its subsidiaries.

[ii]Please visit the ASIC website for full details on Australian wholesale investors.

[iii] As of 01/07/2024.