Fisher Investments’ Long/Short Equity strategies extend our existing top-down, fundamental investment approach to long/short investing. The strategies leverage our global equity research platform to help identify mispriced categories in the marketplace.
The long portion of the portfolio invests in individual securities comprised of what we view as favourable categories, whilst the short side of the portfolio shorts areas of the market that we view as unfavourable in our forecasted outlook. By removing benchmark constraints, Fisher’s Long/Short Equity strategies allow our portfolio managers to seek to maximise our alpha generating capabilities.
Unique top down investment process that has helped deliver alpha in a variety of market conditions
Our focus on top-down allocations cause our portfolio to behave differently from most Long Short equity portfolios, thereby helping to improve process diversification
Implementing our top-down themes through short positions in categories (sectors, industries, countries, etc.) without taking on idiosyncratic equity risk on the short side
Flexible portfolio engineering allows seamless customization of gross/net equity exposures to help match risk/return targets
Investment Policy Committee
Fisher Investments doesn’t base portfolio decisions on one person’s views. With more than 150 years of combined industry experience, Fisher Investments’ five-person Investment Policy Committee collaboratively makes the firm’s strategic investment decisions.
Fisher Investments Europe Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, is wholly owned by Fisher Asset Management, LLC, trading as Fisher Investments. Fisher Investments is based in the US and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Fisher Investments Europe delegates portfolio management to its parent company, Fisher Investments. Unless otherwise specified, references to investment professionals, operations personnel, and middle and back office personnel are references to Fisher Investments employees.
Fisher Investments Europe Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, is wholly owned by Fisher Asset Management, LLC, trading as Fisher Investments. Fisher Investments is based in the US and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Fisher Investments Europe delegates portfolio management to its parent company, Fisher Investments. Unless otherwise specified, references to investment professionals, operations personnel, and middle and back office personnel are references to Fisher Investments employees.
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