Fisher Investments’ emerging markets (EM) strategies use a top-down investment process that applies capital markets technology (i.e., proprietary macroeconomic research) to the analysis of economic, political and sentiment drivers. This analysis helps determine our market forecasts and portfolio themes.
Fisher Investments' EM strategies attempt to exploit the structure of the emerging markets and capitalise on the cyclicality of EM countries, sectors, and industries. The EM strategies are managed by the firm’s Investment Policy Committee (IPC). The IPC is supported by Capital Markets Research and Securities Research teams. Together, they determine macro themes, countries, sectors, and securities they believe are most likely to generate excess returns.
Fisher Investments doesn’t base portfolio decisions on one person’s views. With more than 150 years of combined industry experience, Fisher Investments’ five-person Investment Policy Committee collaboratively makes the firm’s strategic investment decisions.
Fisher Investments Europe Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, is wholly owned by Fisher Asset Management, LLC, trading as Fisher Investments. Fisher Investments is based in the US and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Fisher Investments Europe delegates portfolio management to its parent company, Fisher Investments. Unless otherwise specified, references to investment professionals, operations personnel, and middle and back office personnel are references to Fisher Investments employees.
Fisher Investments Europe Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, is wholly owned by Fisher Asset Management, LLC, trading as Fisher Investments. Fisher Investments is based in the US and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Fisher Investments Europe delegates portfolio management to its parent company, Fisher Investments. Unless otherwise specified, references to investment professionals, operations personnel, and middle and back office personnel are references to Fisher Investments employees.
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