Institutional Investing / Environmental, Social and Governance Insights
ESG Perspectives Newsletter Q4 2022
By Fisher Investments UK, 10/02/2022
- 2021 Corporate Engagement Highlights: Describes the progress FIIG and PMG made in persuading companies to strengthen their ESG performance – successes include developing a low-carbon transition plan and boosting MSCI scores.
- Biodiversity Crisis & Corporate Engagement: Introduces a new engagement theme that we launched in Q4. In the article we describe how biodiversity affects many sectors and explore its importance to investors.
- Fisher Investments on COP26: Recaps the much-anticipated global summit that marked the 5 year anniversary of the Paris Climate Agreement. We review the new commitments made and provide our thoughts on how global markets will respond.
- FI’s Recent Achievements in the ESG Space: Learn more about the latest accomplishments within our Responsible Investment Program.
*The foregoing information constitutes the views of Fisher Investments based on information believed to be reliable. There can be no assurances that Fisher Investments will continue to hold these views. These views may change at any time based on new information, analysis, or reconsideration.
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