Institutional Investing / Environmental, Social and Governance Insights
ESG Perspectives Newsletter Q3 2023
The ESG Newsletter is published bi-annually to keep the investment community abreast of Fisher Investments’ ESG capabilities and projects. This edition covers FI’s corporate engagement highlights, updates on our international responsible investment initiatives, and more.
- 2023 Corporate Engagement Update: Describes progress made in persuading companies to strengthen their ESG performance – successes include major changes to a company’s compensation program.
- Engaging on Waste Management Topics in the Consumer Staples Sector: Describes our process for identifying waste management as a relevant topic for engagement with companies in the consumer staples sector. Provides three examples of how we conducted background research on particular companies and how this led to engagement dialogues.
- Why Global Sustainable Equity Impact ESG: Provides details on the sustainable impact investing universe and our investment process.
- FI’s Proxy Policy – A Focus on Environmental & Social Proposals: Provides details on how FI voted proxies in Q3 2023.
- Austrian Ecolabel Updates: Provides details on the benefits/requirements in maintaining the Austrian Ecolabel and notes that we have been awarded the label for two funds.
- Hydrogen Overview: Describes increased interest in hydrogen-related investments with more opportunities to decarbonize carbon-intensive industries.