Personal Wealth Management / Corporate Information
How Fisher Investments Puts Our Clients First
In this video, we discuss the importance of Fisher Investments’ responsibility as a fiduciary. In the financial services industry, a fiduciary is a person or business legally obligated to put clients’ interests first when making investment decisions for them.
This is a differentiating feature of Fisher Investments. Not everyone providing financial advice is a fiduciary. Brokers, for example, aren’t held to the fiduciary rule, which enables them to sell commissioned products that aren’t necessarily in the client’s best interests. At Fisher Investments, we take our fiduciary responsibility very seriously. Not only are we legally required to put the client’s interests first, but our whole business is also structured around it—because we understand the foundation of a good client-adviser relationship is trust. We don’t receive commissions on trades in client’s portfolios, and we don’t sell financial products. We even separate out client services from the portfolio decision makers to avoid potential conflicts of interests. Meaning, our clients benefit from a dedicated service professional who regularly keeps them informed about their portfolios and is always available to discuss any questions or concerns without having an agenda or product to sell. Thanks for watching our video. If you’d like to learn more about Fisher Investment’s fiduciary approach, visit our website at If you missed Fisher Investments’ investment approach, watch it here.
View Transcript
Title screen reads: “The Fisher Investments Difference: The Importance of Being a Fiduciary Adviser”
The Fisher Investments logo is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
A man appears on screen in a navy suit and begins to speak. A banner identifies him as Michael Hanson, Senior Vice President of Research
Michael Hanson: Fisher Investments is a fiduciary. We are registered with SEC and it’s a responsibility we take very seriously.
A women appears on screen in a textured grey suit. A banner identifies her as Jill Hitchcock, Senior Executive Vice President US Private Client Group.
Jill Hitchcock: In the most basic sense, a fiduciary is someone who acts on behalf of someone else. As it relates to the investment world, a fiduciary would typically be someone who is making investment decisions on behalf of another person.
Another women appears on the screen in a tan blazer and navy shirt. A banner identifies her as Jessica Smith, Client Services Vice President.
Jessica Smith: Not all financial advisors are fiduciaries. Many who call themselves advisors or financial advisors are not fiduciaries and may not be acting in the best interest of their clients.
Michael Hanson reappears on the screen.
Michael Hanson: I think to be a fiduciary means in simple terms, to put the client first. It means to avoid conflicts of interest, to think of our clients best interest first above all else.
Jill Hitchcock reappears on the screen.
Jill Hitchcock: When Ken Fisher started the firm 40 years ago, it was important to him from day one to build a firm that would always put the clients’ best interests first and to structure it so that legally and ethically we are bound to always do what’s right for our clients.
Text appears on the screen: “Interested in learning more about Fisher Investments and how we can help? Call us at (888) 823-9566 to speak with a local representative.”
Disclosures appear on the screen: “Fisher Asset Management, LLC does business at Fisher Investments. Investing in stock markets involves the risk of loss and there is no guarantee that all or any capital invested will be repaid. Past performance is not guarantee of future results.
This commentary constitutes the general views of Fisher Investments, and should not be regarded as personalized investment or tax advice or as a representation of their performance or that of their clients.
No assurance are made that they will continue to hold these views, which may change at any time based on new information, analysis or reconsideration. In addition, no assurance are made regarding the accuracy of any forecast made herein. Not all past forecasts have been, nor future forecasts will be, as accurate as contained herein.”
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