Personal Wealth Management / Market Analysis

MarketMinder’s Best of 2007

A look back at the best 2007 MarketMinder daily commentaries.

As 2007 winds down, it's time to take stock (pun intended) of the year that was. Today, a look back at a few of the best MarketMinder 2007 daily commentaries.

Go Global, January 2007
By not investing globally, you're missing a fantastic chance to potentially reduce risk and increase profit potential.

Stagflation and Lava Lamps, April 2007
Many popular investing concerns—some of which are frequent repeats—can be debunked with simple skepticism.

Gold-Diggers, April 2007
Is the widespread belief gold is a great inflationary predictor and the ultimate portfolio hedge true?

The Inquiry Culture, May 2007
When stocks go down, people start pointing fingers.

A Political Punch, May 2007
Gutless politicians are de rigueur for the back half of a presidential term and great for the market.

Market Efficiency and the Bard, August 2007
Remember the media's goals and your own goals as an investor are frequently at odds.

The Fed's Talisman, August 2007
Investors seem to be wearing today's Fed cut of discount rates as a magic talisman to ward off the credit crisis. We see it as a symbolic gesture to sooth the nerves of ill-founded fears.

Jump the Shark, August 2007
Stories that hog headlines most usually move markets least.

Vector Investing, Sep 2007
The bigger the economy, the more difficult it is to create a force with strong enough magnitude to throw the whole thing off course.

Global Politics Update, Oct 2007
The reality is politicians are among the very few groups with enough concentrated power to affect the direction of global markets significantly. Therefore, we must take note.

Earnings Breather not a Bear Harbinger, Oct 2007
It's important to think about the economy in a holistic way—the sum of the parts. Fretting individual parts is often the wrong path.

The Exorcist, Oct 2007
No real economic crisis—real or perceived—is really through until someone's head rolls, and it looks like Merrill Lynch's CEO Stanley O'Neal's noggin is on the chopping block.

Writing Off Write-Downs, Nov 2007
Investors will eventually wake up to the fact so-called "toxic" debt assets are worth far more than currently perceived.

MarketMinder's Letter to Santa, Dec 2007
As 2007 draws to a close, we consider just a few of the market conditions that could help fuel a continued global equity bull market.

Have a safe, happy, and profitable 2008! Keep tuning in daily to MarketMinder for more daily views on market news and events.

If you would like to contact the editors responsible for this article, please message MarketMinder directly.

*The content contained in this article represents only the opinions and viewpoints of the Fisher Investments editorial staff.

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